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Substantial_Field_60 t1_is5sqy8 wrote

The Shades, or Shades of Death in Level Green. I visited this area frequently not knowing the story. One morning I found, what looked like a brand new, abandoned tent with two sleeping bags roughly 20-30' away from the tent in opposite directions. It looked like the campers made a quick nighttime exit. Gear scattered about. I mentioned this to a friend whose family has lived in the area for several generations and I heard The Shades story. The version they told was that several soldiers were hung in the trees there by native Americans and at night you could hear the soldiers moan and cry.

Another urban legend is that the Terrible Towel was a product of the Steagles merger. After the war when the teams separated the Eagles had absconded with the good white towels and left the yellowed older ones behind. It's rumored that a member of the Steelers organization said something like, -they left the terrible towels for us.


JosefGordonLightfoot t1_is6qg78 wrote

I grew up near the Shades. There were some truly wild urban legends about that place. Beside what you mentioned I heard that it was the real site of the battle where General Braddock was killed, that a mailman went crazy and killed his family before driving his mail truck off of a cliff, and most bizarrely that another mailman committed suicide by driving his mail truck downhill and jumping out at the right time for his head and neck to slip into a noose he had previously set up. The last one was always my favorite because of how absurdly impossible it is. Makes me wonder if something actually did happen involving a mailman back in the day that led to two urban legends about mailmen going crazy and killing themselves in that forest.


rockyroad209 t1_isb54p1 wrote

My aunt has owned a house on the edge of the Shades for as long as I can remember. She would always tell us about how her house was built on a Native American burial ground and felt spirits in her house since the day she bought it.


BindersHat t1_is714df wrote

The Shades is where I found my first stack of hidden porn magazines.