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coding_artistry_412 t1_iruua1b wrote

Do not people not just bring dogs anywhere anymore. I went to the strip last weekend. There were just dogs everywhere.


Dead_Kings t1_irv1jgw wrote

People bring their dogs to home depot all of the time. Why? No fucking clue, but they do


toripearson_19 t1_irvxhik wrote

I take my dog to Home Depot because she enjoys it. Why wouldn't you do things with your dog that it enjoys?


sopabe6197 t1_irw7c8q wrote

I liked it better when they wouldn't let dogs in stores.


toripearson_19 t1_irw8fvr wrote

I'd like it better if people didn't bring their screaming children into stores. Good thing is less people are having kids, and more are getting dogs!


sopabe6197 t1_irwh4gg wrote

Yeah dogs never make a sound or get in the way either.


toripearson_19 t1_irwj3t5 wrote

Don't get me wrong, I don't think misbehaving children nor dogs should go to public spaces with a lot of people. Goes both ways for me. No excuse for either a child or dog to be a nuisance in public.


Dead_Kings t1_irvxt05 wrote

Your dog doesn't enjoy home depot, dumbass. It enjoys being outdoors


toripearson_19 t1_irvxvgj wrote

You have obviously never owned a dog. And if you have, I feel awful for it. Dogs enjoy being with and doing things with their owners.


Dead_Kings t1_irvy4ai wrote

Lol I take great care of my dogs. I just don't take them to places like home depot because a dog has no business there. You said it yourself, it's not home depot that your dog likes... it's just being outdoors with you


toripearson_19 t1_irvy6ux wrote

Whatever you say dude lol. My dog goes almost everywhere with me. She's trained very well and never causes problems. No different than a child. Actually, she behaves better in public than a child.


Dead_Kings t1_irvyjpn wrote

Like I give a shit what someone dumb enough to regularly take their dog to a construction department thinks


toripearson_19 t1_irvym32 wrote


You obviously do because you keep arguing about it.


Dead_Kings t1_irvyxc9 wrote

Ugh yea. Thats how arguments work.


toripearson_19 t1_irvz6q6 wrote

Yup. And if you "didn't care" what I thought you would've just ignored me 🤷‍♀️


Dead_Kings t1_irvztou wrote

Big brain energy


toripearson_19 t1_irw03br wrote

Highly doubtful. Now that I said this you'll probably go off on how "smart" you are 🙄 Really you're just petty and have to have the last word. Especially with such an idiot response as "big brain energy". What are you 15?


Dead_Kings t1_irw2avz wrote

I'm just trying to understand your logic. You take your dog to construction departments, I take my dog to parks, trails and places where a dog would feel more comfortable and because of that I'm a bad dog owner?


toripearson_19 t1_irw3kxj wrote

I take my dog to parks and trails all the time as well. Did you really thibk I only took my dog to department stores?? She also enjoys accompanying me other places too. I don't see how it's dumb to take your pet places they're allowed to be if they're well behaved and comfortable. If your dogs aren't comfortable in Home Depot or a pumpkin patch around a lot of people, that's fine, but don't go telling others they're dumb for doing so. My dog is perfectly comfortable in big crowds. I need to pick some spackle up at Home Depot, hell yeah I'm going to bring my dog because she would enjoy that more than being home alone. I want to get some pumpkins? Also yes, she'll come because she'll enjoy sniffing around and exploring. You have no right saying a dog doesn't belong somewhere because you think it's stupid, but then have no concrete reasons on why it's stupid. Now, if there's a dog at Home Depot being a nut, peeing on stuff, not listening, etc, then no, you shouldn't take your dog to those places. You have to use proper judgement, just like you should've taken more thought into splurting out its dumb to take dogs certain places before taking into consideration many other factors. I don't like kids in public places, but I don't go telling those parents their stupid for bringing their kid out to a restaurant.

Now that I know you have dogs, I apologize for saying I feel bad for them. I'm sure you treat them well. Keep in mind every dog and owner are different. Your responses come from an opinion you hold and just make you seem very unknowledgable about dog ownership, socialization, and stimulation.


Dead_Kings t1_irw6g6j wrote

Eh, maybe I'm just old fashioned. It's all good


toripearson_19 t1_irw85xr wrote

Yeah I wasn't trying to make an enemy today lol. Just as someone who has worked professionally with dogs for 5 years, your comments got me real heated 😅 Everyone's different.