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SunfishStudio OP t1_is2pou4 wrote

Wow, I'm sorry you had to go through all that!

>Fishman's PA put notes in my chart about anxiety that were massively
overblown, and no one I saw after that was able to look past them and
see the patient actually sitting there in front of them.

Yup, been there; I used to have bad health anxiety (side effect of having chronic illness as I'm sure you know, and much better now) but I stopped telling Drs about it at all because then it felt like every symtpom was "because of my anxiety". Or my period, which I haven't had since I was 12 since I've been on birth control ever since lmao.

>He refused to answer that and instead scrolled through them and spouted nonsense like, "Oooh, right here I can see that you drink alcohol", "Here I can see that you speak a little of a foreign language" and other bullshit like that.

Wtf? My doctor used to do something like that and tell me shit like "oh you have a smurf in your ear"... when I went to a pediatrician lol. That's so incredibly demeaning, what an absolute freak

>It turns out I have an autoimmune disorder and needed to see a rheumatologist with some pretty obvious symptoms that absolutely should not have been missed. Instead, I wasted about $2,000 and 18 months on useless visits with assholes.

I'm glad you at least got some help and answers in the end, but man it is such a crap shoot. It's a shame because it does look like they take my insurance but I don't feel at all like dealing with any of that. Thank for the head's up