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Then_Night_4619 t1_it82403 wrote

It’s my properties not creepy well lit new construction think again


benji950 t1_it8cx24 wrote

The lighting and who owns the property aren’t the issue. Do you really think parents will be comfortable letting their kids get candy from a random person set up on a corner? OP seems to have good intentions but you’re not thinking of how parents of little kids are going to view this.


Then_Night_4619 t1_it9pvmx wrote

Different neighborhoods do it differently. I’m actually pretty involved with my neighborhood and know everyone in 5 block radius I understand what you are saying I was offering the person somewhere to enjoy Halloween


carols10cents t1_itbvnx3 wrote

Uh if the OP sits on this person's porch and hands out candy, it's just gonna look like they live there and I'd totally let my kid get candy there.