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JAK3CAL t1_itr5s3s wrote

That’s still a bad analogy; seatbelts have been documented to save lives. Have masks?

I’m also of the position that do whatever makes you happy. You wanna wear a mask, knock yourself out. Just don’t think they have any efficacy in the situation


TrentWolfred t1_ittmlc2 wrote

Yes, masks have been shown to reduce Covid-19 transmission, which in turn reduces deaths. At this point, there’s really a preponderance of evidence that says so. (Reduced transmission also means fewer overall cases and fewer opportunities for the virus to mutate into a variant that could be far deadlier or otherwise have more severe consequences than those of the currently-prevailing variants.)

Masks aren’t perfect, and some are better than others, but I’m not sure how this misconception that they have zero efficacy persists.


JAK3CAL t1_ituhx1z wrote

I wore masks. Got Covid twice. I’m done with masks and from personal experience don’t believe they are effective. 🤷


Deesh69 t1_itrglw5 wrote

I mean you are not wrong but it depends on what you are looking at with seatbelts. While masks don’t directly save lives, masks are definitely helpful for safety and preventative measures. Like millions of people drive there car everyday and don’t get into a severe accident or any accident at all but still wear their seatbelt for safety and prevention incase they were to get into an accident. The safety and prevention goes with wearing a mask. I believe studies have shown wearing a mask does help with lowering the chances of spreading covid and from getting covid but the those numbers increase when no one else where a mask around that person wearing them. If I get the free time I will certainly try to find that study and post in this thread.