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Personal_Western_380 t1_iufdjjk wrote

I am so sorry to hear that. My son actually was looking at 5th Season for employment. Was the equipment dangerous or was it chemicals?


__she__wolf t1_iufezqy wrote

Mechanical equipment with no safety equipment, crawling over a scissor lift railing 3 stories tall and reaching over to get on the catwalks, carrying heavy equipment up and down ladders, multiple (severe) chemical burns because there were no SDS sheets or proper attire given to us in order to properly handle dangerous chemicals. My last straw was a getting poisoned by a gas that left my lungs permanently damaged. It was a “good ol’ boys club where women weren’t respected. Multiple reports of sexual and racial jokes and discrimination. I could go on and on about the misconducts of that company.

Edit to add:

They were also dumping chemicals into the sewer and drains that should have been disposed off safely and properly.

We were also throwing away pounds and POUNDS of perfectly good produce that could’ve been donated. I suggested 412 Food Rescue and even came in on my day off, unpaid, to set up an appointment but they poopooed my idea. (Again, would not take any female ideas or advice seriously.)

They were more concerned with hiring farmers that had worked for celebrities for the notoriety, than promoting from within with perfectly qualified employees who have been with the company from the beginning and sacrificed their physical well-beings (literal blood, sweat, and tears) for the sake of the company because we believed in it.

This job absolutely ruined my body and my physical well being. I can no longer do what I am qualified to do and had to give up my passion because I’m simply not physically able to do what I love to do because of the permanent damages that were done to my body because of this job.


Primary_Tap_6615 t1_iufxdix wrote

Also another former employee and can confirm all of what is said above. I documented a lot of my time there, was verbally and physically abused on multiple occasions, have permanent life long injuries that I require PT for in a regular basis.