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sj070707 t1_iu0fib6 wrote

Yep, and sometimes there's even a cop there at that point to watch for people switching lanes in the tunnel because they didn't realize.


Laxbrotim t1_iu22z3q wrote

At the other end of the tunnel it’s pretty clearly marked when it’s a straight through lane and when you can only turn. Don’t have much sympathy for people if you’re not paying attention to road signs and then illegally try to switch lanes instead of just swallowing the consequences of your error and taking a brief detour to south side, that you’ll never make again lol. And then you get people who go in the turning lane for the sole purpose of cutting the line because it always backups on the straight through lane, can’t differentiate between them so ticket them all


cpr4life8 t1_iu2n3ed wrote

I travel through that tunnel fairly often between the hours of 2:00 and 6:00. There are tons of people who get in that right lane and go up as far as they can before attempting to cut. I don't let them in.


Burgherman1 t1_iu25zxn wrote

Holy shit! That's what they're doing?!? I've been wondering about that for months. I drive outbound around 2,3 and would see them and couldn't figure it out. Seriously, thanks.


rabid_braindeer OP t1_iu0fr43 wrote

That's so shitty. I get it if someone is clearly trying to get ahead of everyone and cut in. But if someone genuinely didn't know and has to go that way, come on man.


CARLEtheCamry t1_iu0yps8 wrote

I think it's more of "you can cause an accident, pay better attention" kind of thing.

There is a somewhat similar situation on GreenTree Rd heading into the West End. It's 2 lanes during high traffic times and the right lane at the blood bank is right-turn only. People just blast through straight in the right turn only lane often, which will cause an accident if the person in the middle (left) lane is obeying traffic signs and going straight as well.


delValle1873 t1_iu27nnh wrote

I hate that. I can understand not knowing what lane to be in, because there’s sometimes not much time to see the lights before you have to make a choice, especially if you’re behind a truck. But for goodness sake, if you realize you have to merge, take it slow, and be prepared to stop for cars that are actually in the proper lane.


cpr4life8 t1_iu2muqu wrote

It's pretty obvious most of the people who are doing it are doing it because they don't want to wait in line in the left lane.