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SabotUp007 t1_iyd3ef8 wrote

The cops do throw the book at these jagoffs. It’s the magistrates and judges who make sure there’s no consequences for crime in Allegheny County.


LegitimateLitigator t1_iydd56o wrote

Actually that’s the prosecutors that usually fuck up the case with the cops. Judges just apply the law that’s before them.

Search warrant gets tossed because it violates Article 8 or 4th, that’s on the state.

Confession illegally obtained, that’s on the state.


SabotUp007 t1_iydukpy wrote

Not in my experience. Better part of 10 years now and I’ve only lost one case to suppression from when I was a rookie.

Everything is a plea or merely dismissed. Anything that sticks is probation or some other laughable consequence.