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Amrun90 t1_iwunaq6 wrote

Reply to comment by Argercy in upmc by Safe-Pop2076

??? I never said anything about hero or reverence. I do deserve basic respect, which you do not display.


Argercy t1_ix1xu6n wrote

I don't know you other than the fact you work in nursing. Are you crappy nurse? I have no idea. But your vehement defense of these low bar nurses and insistence of my disrespect of you personally, well, if the shoe fits...

You should be just as angry as I and many others are of the deplorable state of nursing on the LPN and CNA level. This past year the company I work for has dumped thousands upon thousands into research and development to change our equipment and accessories of said equipment in order to "nurse-proof" it because this generation of nurses we have currently cannot operate the lab equipment previous generations were once able to use with ease. Your vendors of your lab equipment requested us to build our products in such a way a "10 year old child is able to use with ease and no confusion". You should be questioning why your colleagues are considered as adept at lab equipment as 10 year olds.

So do not tell me I do not know anything about the nursing field, I know quite a bit seeing as these people who supposedly have a vast and wide range of knowledge in order to pass their NCLEX cannot handle equipment I manufacture anywhere near the level of adeptness as nurses 10 years ago, to the point where my entire manufacturing process has had to change to accommodate them. My products shouldn't have to be dumbed down to compensate for their lack of knowledge and ability, there should be no handicap applied here seeing as people's lives depend on their adeptness.