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enraged_hbo_max_user t1_ivb4mtr wrote

I’ve never used Venmo. Do you have to “accept” the funds, or are they instantly available to you?


phenry17 OP t1_ivb56ux wrote

I’m not 100% certain how it works. When sending friends money, I sometimes have to add their last 4 of their phone number. Be it, my phone number is only because of my business so that could be bypassed.

Maybe since it’s a “public” be “private” send that can make the difference.

I’ve been on Reddit long enough to acknowledge red flags. This is huge. Especially the initial request from them for ME to send THEM money. Followed by them sending me money and immediately wanting it back.


enraged_hbo_max_user t1_ivb5lai wrote

Well it is definitely a scam. I’m just wondering what, if any, repercussions you would face if you just shrugged, took the money and ran, closed your Venmo account, and ignored all requests from them in the future.

Scammers are usually fine losing the carrot they’re dangling in front of their marks, but $250 seems larger than usual, which is why I’m wondering if you could/should just grab-and-go, so to speak.


phenry17 OP t1_ivb6hlw wrote

Very good points you raise. I have similar thoughts. I could always ask my attorney if the issue persists. They have been blocked and I plan on simply holding that in my Venmo for it a bit.

I know a lot of organizations in the PGH area that could use these funds. I don’t need them, but there are people who could benefit from these stupid scammers.

Short story: my grandpa was on his way to “pick me up from jail” using gift cards he bought from Walmart. Someone called him, impersonating me, and had him buy gift cards to get me out of jail. (I was at work then I got the call from uncle asking if I was locked up). Luckily my uncle was able to stop my Popop from losing hundred of dollars. Scammers suck.


enraged_hbo_max_user t1_ivb72de wrote

There’s this YouTube channel of this guy scamming scammers, he has hundreds of hours of content. Some of it is incredibly interesting. Gets old fast because it’s literally just him owning them over and over again, but it’s worth checking out when you’re feeling frustrated lol


phenry17 OP t1_ivb7ffg wrote

Oh I’ve seen videos of the big ones infiltrating and taking down entire call scamming centers. It’s a huge problem and I love seeing the justice served in those videos.


reerathered1 t1_ivb6vu9 wrote

You have to transfer the funds to your bank. Venmo does not tell you this. There are no instant funds.


enraged_hbo_max_user t1_ivb7u6u wrote

I figured as much. So if OP transfers to his bank then shuts down his Venmo, his bank is going to get a call from Venmo in a few days saying OP owes Venmo $250, correct?


phenry17 OP t1_ivbc60t wrote

Unsure to both above. Someone else commented a similar story of 3 payments being made to them and it is still sitting in their Venmo. I don’t want this to be transferred to my bank. I am raising an incident report with Venmo about this scam.


RandomStranger79 t1_ivb7k5c wrote

You don't have to accept it, it'll appear in your funds right away but technically the transaction hasn't gone through. They'll have a few days to cancel it before it becomes official.


phenry17 OP t1_ivbciqa wrote

I think this is the kicker right here. They have the ability to cancel. Which is how they get so many folks with this scam. Out of human kindness, they will give the money back to the scammer. Said scammer will accept funds then cancel their initial transaction. Effectively having the user pay scammer said money.

This has to work way more often than we think. And on larger scales or different mediums.


RandomStranger79 t1_ivbcz7u wrote

It's just the newest variation of a very old scam. It's tried and tested and still going strong.