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wayiswho t1_j0zkr4m wrote

Reply to comment by stadulevich in Edm scene in Pittsburgh? by Ok-Car1006

That’s not really EDM, it’s more house and techno.


stadulevich t1_j0znr2r wrote

House and Techno are litterally forms of EDM. House being the most popular form of EDM. Kinda how apples and oranges are both fruits.


wayiswho t1_j0zqyfi wrote

Sure but when people are explicitly seeking EDM they’re looking for the music of EDC, Ultra, and like Electric Zoo. That kind of music does not get play at HM, it’s much more centered on specific sounds of techno and house.


rave_is_king_ t1_j10hj9y wrote

EDC is full of Techno and House. I would say House is the most popular genre at EDC. All they play at Neon Garden is Techno.