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a_waltz_for_debby t1_j1y1zbz wrote

Volunteer fire department whistle


dingurth1 t1_j1y2x31 wrote

thank you, I've been hearing this a couple times a week the past couple months, but the only other time I've heard that noise is with tornado sirens. I must just have a good vantage point


kds5065 t1_j1yq0r2 wrote

Is this a Pittsburgh thing? My GF recently moved up from Virginia and asked me about the "Silent Hill sirens".


lzsbrn t1_j1yuo4n wrote

I don’t think it’s unique to Pittsburgh. I lived in Northeastern PA for some time and we had them there.


a_waltz_for_debby t1_j1z58rn wrote

In some ways, it is yes. Because we have so many small municipalities - Townships and Burroughs, and they all have to provide police and fire. There’s a lot of them who still have volunteer fire departments because they are too stubborn to merge or form a county wide system.