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WRWhizard t1_j1k103z wrote

This is why God hates divorce. You need to find fellowship. Dunno if you are a Christian, but fellow believers will understand and be there for you. Or they better!!! Find a good church, even if it's not your thing, get to know some people there. You are exceedingly likely to find a friend or two or three that will make it better.


drewbaccaAWD t1_j1kdyml wrote

>This is why God hates divorce.

I doubt God gives two shits one way or the other. It's funny how mankind always speaks for God with false authority.


>You need to find fellowship.

You don't need to belong to a religious institution to find a social outlet. I'm not even knocking the idea of a "church family" as that's absolutely a thing and a place to find support... but you can find support from many institutions be it hobby groups, places you volunteer, work, school, or whatever.

Tying the two things together... for all we know, OP left their partner because the partner was abusive and the reason they don't have a social outlet at this time.

And even if you did have somewhere to go, a person is still going to feel alone if it's their first Christmas without a partner. OP didn't give us much context so "alone" could really mean any number of things.


WRWhizard t1_j1kk17y wrote

You are placing yourself between attempted help.


drewbaccaAWD t1_j1kutsy wrote

You are attempting to take advantage of someone who is lonely and indoctrinate them into a cult.

For all you know, OP is already a member of a church group (and that's perfectly fine if they are or if they desire to be). You have no idea.

The only thing I did was to point out that help can just as easily come from a secular source as a religious source. I did so without even shitting on religion but I'll absolutely call you out on proselytization.


WRWhizard t1_j1ki7wg wrote

No, God does in fact say He hates divorce. I'm not speaking for Him just quoting what He said.

Telling someone who has had an unfaithful partner to find fellowship with a church family is only a bad thing to a person who does not value God's ways.


IngaTheIndomitable t1_j1ki5m7 wrote

Please godly holy wizard can you ask “him” “his” thoughts on mayo? I hope we can hate that together too. Ask “him” why “he” created it while you’re at it. Thanks


WRWhizard t1_j1kik3l wrote

Mayo? As in Mayonnaise? I happen to like it with Bacon Lettuce and tomato. It is a human creation I have no idea where you are coming from.
