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James19991 t1_j169aw8 wrote

I guess the Dept of Transportation can build something quickly if they feel like it


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_j16tkr5 wrote

If the funding is there. This was emergency funding and they paid to make this bridge priority, which includes priority materials from the companies we source that stuff from.


ididacannonball t1_j17q0jg wrote

They also waived virtually all the permitting and pre-clearance requirements. The project was not even put to competitive bidding, it was just given to whoever someone in PennDOT thought could get it done ASAP. This was not normal in anyway.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_j18tt32 wrote

Though I will say that the way they handled it is normal for an emergency. I work in the municipal world, and not doing a competitive bid process is normal for emergency work, in case anyone is wondering. However, it should go without saying, emergency work in and of itself is not normal.


enemy_of_your_enema OP t1_j19p5m3 wrote

Honest question - did you read the article? Because they explained why this bridge was able to be built so quickly.


James19991 t1_j19pvkj wrote


enemy_of_your_enema OP t1_j19stqb wrote

Ah, yes, a joke. A joke that is not only not funny, but also looks remarkably like what someone would say if they didn't read the article and didn't understand why this project was expedited.


James19991 t1_j19ygue wrote

Screw off with your pissy attitude. Apparently a lot of other people got something out of my comment considering it has positive karma, not negative.