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Sayakakunze OP t1_j2bkcdm wrote

Coming from Austin. Can’t stand this place and really hoping my wife lands the job there. Sounds wonderful.


alwaysbemybuibui t1_j2dj7mv wrote

There will be frustrating things in the transition for sure, but I much prefer Pittsburgh


Sayakakunze OP t1_j2e1kma wrote

How about weather compared to Austin?


alwaysbemybuibui t1_j2eetnn wrote

Personally, I don't like Austin's heat. I also don't mind the gloom in Pittsburgh at all and enjoy when it's cold, so for me it's no contest


Sayakakunze OP t1_j2esjle wrote

I hate the heat so I’m excited for cooler weather. Spring and summer were all above the 100’s with intense humidity this year. It was really depressing just going from one building into the next and not being able to go outside really.


ktxhopem3276 t1_j2esbso wrote

Could be worse at least your not in Houston!


Sayakakunze OP t1_j2esp0w wrote

The food is better in Houston though! Plus they have museums. Austin doesn’t have much but bars and I don’t drink.


ktxhopem3276 t1_j2eudgr wrote

I’ve been to Houston and I wasn’t impressed by the food. There was a big emphasis on quantity over quality. It wasn’t bad but I was hoping for better creole and bbq. The brisket sandwich at Bucees was probably the best meal I had in Houston. There was a good pierogi restaurant which was a surprise. I was mostly on the east side of the city which is an industrial wasteland of oil refineries but Galveston island was a cool mini New Orleans and the Johnson space center is super cool. I didn’t make it to any of the museums but I wanted to. What kind of food do you like?


Sayakakunze OP t1_j2f3uad wrote

They have better Asian food there and Indian. Everything is tacos here and the hot sauce is just way too spicy with no flavor. Not a fan of Texas BBQ it’s too sweet and smoky. I like a more vinegar based BBQ so like Kansas City style.

I really enjoy Asian, Ethiopian, Indian and a good burger and seafood. I’m not super picky at all to be honest.