Submitted by EllaBella6 t3_1000ypc in pittsburgh

My cat caught a live bat in my house last night. The cat is up to date on her rabies vaccine, but I'm still concerned that the bat may be carrying something. Does anyone know who is still open to call about testing? Both the Department of Health and Animal Control are closed. Her vet isn't available either.

EDIT: Thanks, everyone! The cat is doing fine, but she's staying in quarantine until she can get her booster this week. The bat is going to ACHD for rabies testing as soon as possible.



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Sea-Operation7215 t1_j2f7ac2 wrote

You likely will need to go get your own shots too.


timesuck t1_j2ewq3s wrote

Are you in the City of Pittsburgh? Animal Control has an emergency line for after hours calls: 412-255-2935

If you’re not in Pittsburgh proper, your municipality might also have an emergency line.

ACHD also has an emergency line 412-687-2243. They have someone on-call to answer 24/7, including holidays.

You might have to demand from Animal Control that the bat get tested, but you definitely want it to be tested. If there is any chance the bat was in your house while you were sleeping and/or you handled the bat and it is positive to rabies, you should have a post-exposure rabies vaccine.


tinacat933 t1_j2ex4vw wrote

I’d be worried about myself too. They can bite you and you won’t even realize it


hoppiness91 t1_j2etg6t wrote

Maybe try calling one of the emergency vets in the area?


srenders t1_j2etkvc wrote

I had good experience with Avets in Monroeville. They like you to call first. 412-373-4200


hubbyofhoarder t1_j2f8nmz wrote

The only testing for rabies requires brain matter, and wouldn't be good for your kitty. Might be worth having the bat tested, but I'd leave that up to your vet. If you haven't tossed the bat carcass, might want to save it.

I'll echo another response about not being too worried if cat's shots are up to date.

IMO (and I'm a softy for animals) I don't think this is worth the big money that a trip to one of the emergency vets would cost you. They'll definitely order tests, but it's going to cost you a fair chunk of change, and you probably won't get same day results anyway.


PeterbiltPerson t1_j2f3v5e wrote

Contact local health department to get the bat tested. 1-877-PA-HEALTH. Says they are available 24/7.


sprinklesthecat1 t1_j2fgxvq wrote

is your kitty acting normal? at the least she could probably used a rabies vx booster. i believe she should be quarantined for 14 days - kept from other pets if u have them etc. you can also try calling poison control and see what they say.


TacosGetMeThrough t1_j2fi68h wrote

So they can't test for rabies, rabies can only be diagnosed through brain tissue. Essentially your option is to quarantine the dog for 14 days. If it has rabies it will die or need put down if it does not it will be fine.


_MobyHick t1_j2fn8cz wrote

This is a cat. You must have watched Old Yeller at an impressionable age.


Eco-freako t1_j2fv242 wrote

You can take the bat to the ACHD on Penn ave for testing (you should call first). They’ll take the bat (alive or dead) and get you results in a few days. You can also have animal control pick up the bat for testing. Rabies testing requires brain tissue, and thus a deceased animal. Keep the bat in the fridge in a sealed bag for testing.

FYI: Animal control is available on holidays 8-4 through 911 or the emergency number 412 255 2935 and takes emergency calls after hours.