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ricksebak t1_j29krbp wrote

> like she’s asking to be hit or something.

Did you hit her? Or did you do a quick mental calculation and determine that slowing down for two seconds is a tiny inconvenience, and that hitting her is a giant inconvenience, and then you just slowed down and didn’t hit her?

Because if you slowed down and didn’t hit her, then maybe she’s not asking to be hit. Maybe she knows about the mental calculation and she’s using it to her advantage to cross the street faster.


1MagnificentMagnolia t1_j29oxip wrote

With the amount if people who are actively on their phone while their vehicle is moving, it would be stupid of a pedestrian to trust the driver is paying attention.


Karma4Clunkerz OP t1_j2awykh wrote

I see your mother also didn’t tell you to look both ways before crossing. Actively walking into traditional should not be defended. Reconsider your life


ricksebak t1_j2b93im wrote

I’m gonna have to put the brakes on this convo and crosswalk myself over to another thread, OP.