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[deleted] t1_j6nkf18 wrote

Pittsburgh police a pretty good I must say. They give loads of breaks for simple things that other city cops would write up and make life miserable. And they do have a knack for solving crime that other cities just ignore.


IamChantus t1_j6nniib wrote

As critical of the nationwide culture of policing that I am, I have to agree with you. PPD has come forward leaps and bounds from where they were in the "task force" era.

While officers such as Amel that were allowed to continue being shitbags speaks to how far they still have to go, I'm not going to allow perfection to get in the way of huge progress. The surrounding boroughs on the other hand still seem to have a lot of the sturmgewehr "punisher" types.


[deleted] t1_j6no6pv wrote

Thank you PPD getting excellent comments from Majority of population except from the criminals and the insaneGlad we don’t have these kind of peaceful protests


IamChantus t1_j6npafb wrote

All things being equal, on one hand MPD seemingly brought that upon themselves with drive by pepper sprayings of peaceful protesters and reporters.

On the other hand, provocateurs started that fire. Just look at who was charged for starting it. Fucking Boogaloos.


Zenith2017 t1_j6nmph7 wrote

And, y'know, attacking protestors. They're great at that


[deleted] t1_j6nnoko wrote

No , arresting non- peaceful [peaceful protest ( damaging property or committing crimes


[deleted] t1_j6np1f8 wrote



[deleted] t1_j6npmo9 wrote

Well people with manners and who work for things don’t like their stuff stolen or burnt down


Zenith2017 t1_j6nsg7v wrote

So police brutality is ok?


[deleted] t1_j6nsqzw wrote

No of course not, but it usually starts with some ahole committing a crime and then Doesn’t like getting arrested


Zenith2017 t1_j6o1k2h wrote

It doesn't matter how it starts


[deleted] t1_j6o5qoq wrote

So everyone should try to get away ?


Zenith2017 t1_j6od599 wrote

Police shouldn't brutalize someone, ever. By definition, that is wrong and unnecessary. Violent action must be a last resort. And of course, the law more or less says that - but after a few hundred Trayvon Martins and Breanna Taylors et. al., one should understand that's not a realistic representation of what happens. Our cops kill extremely frequently, and it's not on the victims most of the time.

Trying to "get away" is not cause for brutalizing, beating, murdering, or otherwise treating a suspect cruelly and unusually. They're innocent by definition until proven otherwise, though conservatives love to accidentally forget constitutional rights like that one.

Paid leave, a promotion or a job at another department, that about sums up the consequences for 95% of police killings. Do you think that's an okay consequence for murdering the wrong person in their bed by accident - a promotion? A new job? They had to drag Chauvin kicking and screaming through the courts for him to see justice; if that's not emblematic to you I don't know what to say. I genuinely hope you're a troll and not actually this clueless


[deleted] t1_j6npze3 wrote

ZALES ? Thats funny 1/10 caret rings on layaway. 💍