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imadv8r2 t1_j5v6ce8 wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in School students in Sq Hill by soparklion

Everyone should know that newly elected Allegheny County Common Pleas Judge Tiffany Sizemore DISMISSED ALL THE CHARGES against the Alderice students (with lengthy juvenile records) who assaulted and hospitalized an on duty, uniformed city police offer and three others at the Starbucks.

These kids continue their actions because there ARE NO repercussions or penalties.

Now ask yourselves why our police can’t do their jobs. In fact, ask them, though many won’t risk losing their 20 year pension by outing Downtown mandates.

Then look at the people who’ve been elected and their agendas.

Yep, this behavior starts at home, but when parents are children of that system too, they are part of the problem.

Regardless, no punishment makes for the free for all this has become.

Squirrel Hill South is rapidly becoming the Wild West and no sherif in town can run out the bad guys. Er, Alderdice students.