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EmphasisFinal t1_j6nay5r wrote

What's annoying about these housing developments is the back ass, narrow country roads aren't designed to handle the extra traffic. The housing development recently built by my house proves this.

Atleast 3 times a week I'm almost killed by some suburbanite Karen in a huge suv coming around a bend on the wrong side of the road doing double the speed limit.

Of course these people are the type of people that will put up signs that say "slow children at play" Infront of their house yet they drive like complete disrespectful assholes everywhere else


ktxhopem3276 t1_j6ngotp wrote

Unfortunately all the better locations are built out and these developments are getting into very rural areas. Reminds me of south fayette, jefferson hills, plum, peters, etc Meanwhile nimbys in Oakland and shadyside keep fighting 12 story buildings closer to offices


dementedturnip26 OP t1_j6o620w wrote

Yep, more than anything 15-20 story apartment towers would help, but we can’t seem to figure out how to do that.

I think a lot of homeowners also have a vested interest in not building these because of you built enough reasonably priced either apartment/condo towers it would eventually lower rent and housing costs


ktxhopem3276 t1_j6o6r6a wrote

Yeah something like six stories is a big price jump and then 20 stories is another big price jump. So building 7-8 stories is not as efficient. That’s why you see a lot of 5 and 15 story buildings and developers prefer not to build 6-8 story buildings if they can avoid it


uglybushes t1_j6nmdcv wrote

No new homes! Keep Pgh shitty! Higher housing prices!


[deleted] t1_j6nseh2 wrote



uglybushes t1_j6nsmlt wrote

It’s almost like the taxes generated from new homes could go to fox infrastructure


ktxhopem3276 t1_j6nsuzd wrote

But then how could developers externalize the cost of their development to the public? The towns won’t be able to afford the upgrades and would have to charge developers impact fees and that’s communist bullshit /sarcasm

The keep Pittsburgh shitty meme is hilarious so don’t you dare criticize it