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ktxhopem3276 t1_j6ijjj8 wrote

It’s almost double what your mortgage is because you bought a cheap house that probably was build pre 1970s and has no insulation. You could invest in attic insulation, double pane windows, and high efficiency furnace. Your electricity seems high especially if you have a gas furnace. Can you provide more details? Welcome to home ownership. It takes a lot of effort to research all these issues and be a successful homeowner

Edit: electric hot water heater is strange. There are high efficiency heat pump electric hot water heaters but they are expensive and I bet you have a basic resistance hot water heater so get that replaced with something better. You will need to research your setup though because swapping electric to gas involves gas lines and very important proper venting. You can get a tax credit for a fancy heat pump electric water heater if you can’t fit gas