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Clear_Air_3561 t1_j6lgxdu wrote

I heard something that they have a deal with Giant Eagle to not compete with Getgo in the city but I’m not sure how true that is.

I live in Butler and there’s 4 within 5 miles of me. The amount of stores they have nowadays is absolutely insane.


Jupichan t1_j6lt6xk wrote

In the city, I could buy it. But just within a mile of my old work place (outside city limits), there are two GetGos and two Sheetz


SomeWateryTart83 t1_j6ljqzu wrote

This is the correct answer. Giant Eagle also made that deal with Wegmans.


akmalhot t1_j6mjh43 wrote

What would the deal be w Wegmans ? Why would Wegmans oblige ?