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shhheeeeeeeeiit t1_j5y5std wrote

Why don’t you rent out your new house for under market value? If that’s how you feel.


blondiebell OP t1_j5yz91l wrote

This isn't a gotcha point, I actually intend to. It is part of my dream goal to restore people's faith in landlords in a small way by renting out extra space in my home at a base price.

Rental property should NEVER be allowed to be someone's sole income, but I dont have any issue with it bringing supplemental income so long as it isn't taking advantage of the renters.

I'm purchasing a home within my budget because I intend to make sure I can pay for it on my own. If I decide to add a renter their cost is going to be AT MOST half of my mortgage and an equal split of utilities regardless of what the market is. I WANT to see them save money so they can do what I did and I would appreciate the ability to pay off my mortgage faster.

If I am ever privileged enough to own a 2nd home outright I still wouldn't charge "market rent" I would offer someone a rent-to-own agreement on the house so that they can actually have a chance to do what I did and build equity. If they didn't want the rent to own, they still would only have to pay the minimum amount possinle to keep the house going until I can find someone that does want the rent to own. Point being no one needs a second freaking house and that rental isnt meant to be my freaking income! It's not hard.