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blondiebell OP t1_j600te3 wrote

Fair enough, that exact phrasing was in the Declaration of Independence and not the Constitution. The Constitution does however offer protection for life, liberty and property in the 14th amendment.

I am far from a constitutionalist and do not subscribe to the idea that it is infallible, but the point stands that we deserve to do more than just survive. This notion that housing isn't a human right is insane, and far too many people make concessions for land and wealth hoarding entities just because "that's how it works".


da_london_09 t1_j601ujt wrote

> 14th amendment

The Constitution basically says that the government (post civil war) cannot stand in your way or deprive you of your 'things' without due process. But it stops short at any mention of the government being responsible for a persons home (or lack of)


blondiebell OP t1_j603wpf wrote

Yeah, but in there is that little word "life", that's generally understood as the things you need to, ya know LIVE.

You are not supposed to be able to deprive someone of food, water, or shelter, but we are currently at a fucked up place in society because we have allowed capitalism to make that possible. We make going to school mandatory (fine) but we take away food if the child/family cant pay, we let companies reroute and pollute water systems at the expense of people down stream, and people like yourself sit back and think it's fine that for profit companies gouge prices on housing leaving people without shelter.

Sure you can say the Constitution is there to protect people from the government, but the whole purpose of having said government is to benefit the people. It has failed massively by allowing greed to go unchecked and support networks fail.