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McJumpington t1_j5x2q21 wrote

I’ve had a bus driver with no lights blinking swing it’s stop sign out after my car had already started passing, during winter at that. Stopping that fast prob would cause me to slide on snow. Anyhow that douche bus driver laid the horn on the entire time.

The same bus (unsure if same driver) picked up kids in front of a house that was a couple houses before a stop sign. After picking up the kids, the bus driver blew right through the stop sign almost slamming into my neighbor driving through the intersection (neighbor didn’t not have a stop sign). Bus driver laid on the horn and was shouting. Neighbor ended up calling the school to report the driver and they didn’t care about witnesses or anything..they said they were going to ask her to show up to court or some shit. It made no sense.

What I learned- bus drivers are equally bad drivers, but are untouchable. Always approach them slowly as it’s what’s right for children safety and quite honestly, you don’t know what those nutcase drivers will do.

There was a massive shortage of bus drivers recently and they didn’t really care who they hired.


Character-Vast-8601 OP t1_j5y6c4z wrote

If they drive for the company I work for they are disciplined or shall I say we are disciplined for bad driving