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ammiemarie t1_j3ife1d wrote

Wow, that's wild. Ours is usually about $20-$50/mo between April-November, then $80-$150 in the winter. We have People's Natural Gas.


skfoto t1_j3im1cj wrote

Poorly insulated 100 year old house FTW.


eeekennn t1_j3iyxfj wrote

I feel your pain! Called an insulation company to come out about a month ago and 5 minutes in, he said “We can’t insulate this… there’s no inside of the wall to insulate. It’s plaster over brick. You’d have to build bump-outs for every exterior wall.” 😭


jetsetninjacat t1_j3jr92y wrote

Your only way forward would basically be to put framing up. You'd lose some space but it would help with the insulation and heating.


AnewENTity t1_j3r2dzk wrote

This is exactly the situation I’m in with a 100 year old double brick house in Carnegie.

I will say…. Things should not be this expensive


eeekennn t1_j3r41sh wrote

It feels like a cruel joke. Currently sitting in a room on our second floor that’s reading 60 degrees. Meanwhile, our electric bill in the winter averages $600-800 (because of a poorly installed electric heat pump system which we’re in the process of completely replacing 😭). Old house, mannn…