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nice-noodles t1_j7godb2 wrote

Yeah, re: LI, our immediate neighborhood was ok. My husband’s family has been there since the 70s and they know a lot of the other families. But just a few minutes away, and I would see big old Trump flags and all that MAGA stuff. The plus side was that the woods and the beach were nearby.


Ghostwriter2057 t1_j7hf18b wrote

Thankfully, I stopped visiting long before that era of politics. I am glad you had a safe haven out there!

I remember the day my kids were playing out at one of the nature reserves & a well-off woman approached to chide me about my children getting dirty. Her kid was a toddler wearing some uncomfortable designer outfit that cost more than all of our outfits combined. I watched her manhandle the child to keep him out of the sandpit.

Every time I visited, there was some variation of this type of nitpicking interaction with the affluent except at the private school one of my kids attended in Freeport. Before that school was a public school where some of the parents were Goldman Sachs & Fortune 500 types. It was even worse.

I am a pretty chill person, but some of the residents tested the limits of my patience with snobbery in ways I have not experienced elsewhere. lol