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mountain_pose t1_j8q4e76 wrote

yes! it’s a low rumbling noise. i read the other day about the scrap yards making similar noises…. (near hope high school)


jay--mac t1_j8q5czr wrote

hearing it between Doyle and Cypress


Impossible-Heart-540 t1_j8q5d87 wrote

My wife wants to gas up the car in case we need to run from the alien invasion.


regular_leonard t1_j8q5kpg wrote

Yes near Doyle and Hope. Crazy never heard anything like it. What is it?


fishythepete t1_j8q6sov wrote

Man I’m thinking about hitting 95 and trying to hunt it down once and for all. This is like “the boom” on every suburban Facebook page.


Remarkable_Signal_78 t1_j8q78is wrote

Sounds heard in fox point- it could be loading the steel. Is there an unloading/transferring space near the train line that parallels 95 down from Miriam? Just spit balling here. I live in fox point and have for years heard sounds like another thread described about the India point park area.


pedimental t1_j8q9scn wrote

We hear it over in Mt hope area… I’ve definitely heard this noise before… sounds like something percussive like jackhammering far away or pile driving. Maybe a crew working on 95? Where are these scrap yards folks are talking about?


CurveMassive t1_j8qa19e wrote

I hear it all the time at night. It’s loud!! Interferes with my sleep


aednichols t1_j8qdtj4 wrote

It sounds like a demolition impact hammer to me. I’ve been hearing it this week after 11p, so I assumed it’s the highway construction closing lanes at night and going to town.


Pvdsuccess t1_j8qt607 wrote

Well, it's into the morning, and it's still happening. Just a surreal sound.


AloofDude t1_j8t0azr wrote


But, it will not be real. I believe we are in the middle of a false flag incident involving ET life. The Chinese spy balloon BS, the military is "shooting down" unknown, metallic "balloons" all over the continental US.

The Pentagon, US Government, and military are realising and confirming that they have filmed and documented "UAPs" even going as far as to release the footage.

Openly having closed door conferences amongst politicians to speak about the UAP phenomena.

The US Spends $801,000,000,000 a year on military budgets, but have the audacity to tell the general public "oh yeah, uh we have no idea what these things are, where they come from, what they want, who pilots them, what they are made of, if they are hostile or not, oh and BTW they are vastly superior to us, tech wise in every single way"

Sounds crazy? But is it? If this was 2018 and I described to you what the next 5 years would be like, it would sound crazy right? Once the Hong Kong riots started, the Civil, social unrest in the US, sprinkle in a pandemic, and I can assure the "elite" have some tricks up their sleeves. There's a reason they are getting us so comfortable with words like "the great reset" and why they are just now openly talking about and borderline shoving UFO shit Down the general public's throats. This is also why they are demonizing conspiracy theories because when people like me call BS on this whole Alien invasion thing, we will be called crazy and have our social media canceled.

But, yeah its just the shipping yard...I hear it, feel my house rumble numerous times a night in the west end.
