Submitted by t3_114xge2 in providence

A few of us have started shuffling into /r/Rhodytree after seeing the insanity going down all the time in /r/bostontrees.

Come hang out! We're friendly and we have chowdah. Personally my preference is clear or white.

p.s. And no MSO (Multi-State Operator) lovers allowed ;)



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t1_j8z0ft1 wrote

Thank you! I’ve been hoping someone would make a sub to get us separate from Boston.


OP t1_j8zfpu1 wrote

Their cannabis certainly doesn't belong in a comparison against ours. Jesus. I've never seen so much terrible weed in my life.


t1_j953sjp wrote

What’s up with so many of your comments and posts being so combatitive in language lol Like you come across as a raging ass with this comment imo. Is there shitty weed in MA? Fuck yeah and a lot of it, but let’s not act like RI bud is all peaches and cream lmao.

You certainly seem to embody part of your username lol.

I’m all for a lot of the ideas behind some of what I’ve seen you post but goddamn you’re abrasive.


t1_j8yvkyh wrote

Has anybody been to the pot lounge in Wakefield? Tetra I think it’s called.


t1_j92ga1c wrote

I read this too fast and incompletely, so I thought someone was interested in a subreddit for RI cannibals.