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Funocity t1_jbb9qny wrote

I second you are probably talking about Brazil nuts. My very tall, barrel chested grandfather used to yell across the produce section when he saw 'oh look, X toes are on sale!' Genuinely excited, they are a yummy nut, and he also grew up calling them that. We were able to curb this, but damn that was rough for a bit.


pvdcaveman t1_jbbfxs8 wrote

Is this really a thing? I grew up with some racist people but hadn’t heard this one before.


Funocity t1_jbbnbt5 wrote

Maybe a Southern/Midwest thing? He grew up in Oklahoma.


starlitstarlet t1_jbc54jc wrote

It absolutely is. Just one of the many casually racist things I heard growing up in the 80s/90s in N Prov.