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t1_jcd5nw1 wrote

I mean, it depends. I love Gracie's, but that is like birthday/anniversary and not a first date kind of place.

There are so many good casual places that I found were low stakes and offered a chance to get a drink and keep talking after food like Harry's burger bar. I also enjoyed doing activities like rock climbing, D and B's, or freeplay after the first date.

This is probably unpopular, but back in my dating days I hated going to a bar like the Avery that offered no food, especially during food hours on a first date. It gave me nothing to absorb the alcohol and I would find myself in my head wondering when I was going to eat/guessing if I should eat ahead of time. It probably sounds silly, but as a woman, asking about food/even offering to buy my own food alongside a drink sometimes made things awkward on a first date. Other times, it was a great segue to dinner elsewhere. Still, since I didn't know what to expect from someone new, I hated the guesswork around drinks as did a lot of my hungry female friends lol. I think the best thing is open communication like "hey lets get drinks at 6 and then maybe go to dinner after, if we feel up to it, at Pickerel" otherwise I definitely ate a NY system combo beforehand.

Now that I am done dating around, my partner and I enjoy evenings at restaurants that turn into late night bars like Dolores. We just want something low key for a drink (and with late food, of course lol, that is still my hill to die on).


t1_jcedqyi wrote

The Eddy. Great cocktails (like the Avery), but with food.