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laughsgreen t1_jd0z8hg wrote

no. just no. not at all. you're talking about contact hours. I'm talking bachelors. the reason 12 is a full load is it's expected to be 36 hours of work. above that and you're pushing into 45 and heavy loads.

Postgrad can be more. but 3 hours of expected work is normal and no quite often you've got multiple hours of labs that aren't counted as contact hours since they aren't.

wtf? you really are a cop and you really do believe that undergrads are 4 years that people could have just done in a few months instead. šŸ˜‚


SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_jd10udu wrote

Seeing as how Iā€™ve gone to college and done an academy, I can speak to both.

If you put in 36 hours of school work into your week during your sophomore year of college, you had a hard time at school.

And seeing as how the academy was none stop from 6:00am until 4:00pm every day with 5 minute breaks every hour between courses, I do believe a college student could obtain a degree in their major, minus the required courses the universities make you take, in a year.

Big difference between a lackadaisical ā€œShort Stories 101ā€ where thereā€™s maybe 30 minutes of actual true instruction and criminal procedure being taught for 55 minutes by an AAG.

Iā€™ll die on this hill.


laughsgreen t1_jd11l4z wrote

of course you will. confidently incorrect is literally your job title.

dude the reason you were doing 50 hour weeks of class time in academy is because the timespace continuum allowed it. Feel free to shout from the rooftops that you went to a pretend college, but lmk how spending 15 hours a week on schooling in undergrad goes. Why don't you pick a really dumb useless major like fine art where you can't skip the nonlecture time. šŸ˜‚

Thanks for your service sir for sitting through your academy training.


SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_jd11x1m wrote

Yeah, I attended university beige the academy and I can assure you, my 3.6+ GPA wasnā€™t from hours at Carothers.


laughsgreen t1_jd12apf wrote

how many tens of thousands of pages were you responsible for having read in academy vs your bachelors? how many hundreds of pages of writing or lab presentations? this is hilarious.


SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_jd132qg wrote

Academy: probably 1,200-1,400 full pages of hand written notes from start to finish, which I somehow still have in my closet. 4-5,000 pages of material read and tested on weekly.

College: my major involved math so I lucked out, didnā€™t have to read Beowulf or some womenā€™s studies book.

Iā€™m also talking about the average student, not your biology major.


laughsgreen t1_jd13jte wrote

yeah, cops are reading 1000 pages a day after their ten hour classtime. Can you please be the cop in court for me if I ever have to go? When studying math, did you learn how many hours are in a day?


SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_jd13t0b wrote

Did I say 1,000 pages a day? Did you ever mention the amount per day? Where did that metric come from?

Reading comprehension much? And which courtroom, Iā€™m in District daily and superior at least once a week.