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Support_Due t1_jd9wljf wrote

Billy Taylor is a city park so providence parks and rec would be the first call to make.


OctoberRust13 OP t1_jd9zueh wrote

Word. I figured that was gonna be the answer...I just feel like contacting the city parks dept I'm just gonna get the runaround and/or a generic response that will ultimately end up going no where.

I don't wanna deal w a bunch of red tape and politics... I have a ramp I wanna donate...let me donate it.


Flashbulb_RI t1_jda2j2w wrote

Sometimes individuals who work for PVD will surprise you with their responsiveness. Might as well reach out to them with an email or phone call.


OctoberRust13 OP t1_jda38dd wrote

I plan on it tomorrow when I get to work. I feel like emailing from my company email might lend a little more credence. Appreciate the responses!


DamineDenver t1_jdantt0 wrote

Contact Wendy Nilsson directly. She lives in the neighborhood. Though I'm going to say she will say no considering she removed all the donated toys from the Gladys Potter park due to insurance issues.