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Herr_Quattro t1_jdhe5qr wrote

It’s hard to feel bad or be shocked when the exact thing you think is going to happen, happens.


allhailthehale t1_jdi98lk wrote

No one is saying that you need to be 'shocked.'

Maybe just don't, you know, take time out of your day to make a big deal about how happy you are that a couple 20 year olds got killed doing something stupid.


Herr_Quattro t1_jdiif0t wrote

Oh no, you confuse me. All I feel is apathy because I don’t care they died. They fucked around and found out, doing some dumb shit that wasn’t worth it.

The only thing I’m “happy” about is that the ones being stupid are the only ones who got hurt.


allhailthehale t1_jdiq56b wrote

There are plenty of people in this discussion who have gone considerably beyond 'apathy' into being pretty damn ghoulish. Which is what the comment that you replied to pointed out.

If you're not one of them, then no one here is talking about you, beyond the fact that you apparently felt the need to pop up and defend them.


Ezzyspit t1_jdhelpn wrote

Why is it hard to feel bad. You don’t have to be shocked to feel bad


Herr_Quattro t1_jdhjaso wrote

Why would I feel bad for someone suffering the incredibly predictable consequences of their actions? They chose to play a stupid game, they get to enjoy their stupid prize.

And I do feel bad. I feel bad for the person they hit and the poor sap that had to scrape them off the pavement.


Ezzyspit t1_jdhkp6j wrote

If you’re asking why you should feel bad for fellow humans dying, especially at such young ages... then maybe you’re a psychopath?


SufficientZucchini21 t1_jdiep1e wrote

In fairness, these kids did get a Darwin Award. Not sure if that makes any of these awful comments better but there’s a bright side right there for you. /s