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Unlucky-Sir322 t1_jec4ugs wrote



Unlucky-Sir322 t1_jecqb4q wrote

I mean, it depends on what you mean by “a roast beef sandwich”. It’s not a beef on weck, or a chicago hot beef, but if you’re just looking for a pile of rare-ish roast beef with some horseradish and cheese, Miller’s is more than solid.


weednpornnpolitics t1_jed83hc wrote

It's a new england thing. Walts, kellys...pretty much anywhere on the north shore


GotenRocko t1_jecrbhz wrote

It was under seasoned imo when i tried them, but very tender.


ipapaveri OP t1_jedc8a6 wrote

All those options sound intriguing — but the sandwich I'm looking for is peak flavor & peak simplicity: (med) rare road beef, kaiser roll, mayo, tomato, maybe shredded lettuce, maybe swiss cheese. It almost sounds boring, I know, but there’s roast beef — and then there’s Roast Beef. I'm looking for the sandwich that becomes your new standard.

Millers is one of the ones I’ve tried, and it was a little underwhelming.


RhodyViaWIClamDigger t1_jee7rlv wrote

Arby’s is worth the trip west In I80 I think you’ll start to see them pop up in western PA. Gimme that horsey sauce!
