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t1_j01wo41 wrote

You seem to think medicine isn't an effective solution for schizophrenia, which tells me you've never actually experienced living with someone with that disease. It lets them live a stable life, so long as they continue to follow through with it.

And if they stop, the stability will often come tumbling down. Just the same as when a drug addict falls off their plan. "Not taking a substance" isn't all it takes to be cured of drug addiction. Its a struggle - every day.

I know you aren't a Doctor, so I don't need to worry about that. I trust medical professionals when they call something a disease. Facts are facts, drug addiction is a disease. Treat it like every other disease and stop trying to act like its some special circumstance that only some medical professionals refer to as one.


t1_j01xqdv wrote

Have you ever known someone who takes meds for schizophrenia?

They are not the same. And by failing to take it even once they fall into delusions. It is not pretty.

That differs in most respects from addicts.

How do you know what I am?

Do you think all phenomena labeled "disease" are the same? Try reading peer-reviewed articles in medical journals where doctors argue whether addiction is a disease at all. Or, read descriptions about the very real differences between addiction and the others diseases I listed


t1_j022dso wrote

Yes. I have known and lived with someone who took their meds. They were totally functional and lead a productive life, when they did not take their meds they did not have a productive life. Almost like a drug addict who isn't actively using can have a productive life and then when they are using can not. Shocking how similar they are!

A disease is a disease. You aren't a doctor. I know this because you are claiming drug addiction isn't a disease. And the differences between diseases doesn't magically make one not a disease. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it isn't a medical problem.

Edit: Love when people make grand statements and then block you because they can't be bothered to learn that they are wrong. The person arguing with me was ignorant, thinking that drug addiction can just be magically turned off. Addiction is a life long DISEASE.


t1_j028bxa wrote

You are almost providing a false equivalence. The qualifiying word "almost" in your statement appears to downplay the real differences between schizophrenics and addicts.

Some addicts are in very bad conditions and others not so much. A schizophrenic on meds is still not the same person as once before pre schizophrenia.

And a schizophrenic cannot just stop being mentally ill unlike the addict. An addict's illness differs in important respects form that of the schizophrenic or of someone suffering from alzheimer's or dimentia. Why are you to trying desperately to depict them as the same kind of phenomena?

First, I have not claimed addiction is not categorized as a disease.

Second, not all phenomena under the category of disease are the same. Addiction is not like aids, cancer or alzheimers. They are different types of diseases.

Third, you are not a doctor. You continually make that claim as a means to dismiss my claims but fail to realize the irony of that rhetoric strategy: it also dismisses your views!!!

Doctors themselves do not conflate addiction with other ailments labeled as diseases. Yet, here you are doing just that.