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Independent-Area-552 t1_j0zm1i1 wrote

It’s the driver the roads have nothing to do with it it’s all excuses people need to learn how to drive plain and simple


ParkyMalarkey OP t1_j0zmm8q wrote

You don’t just learn how to drive one day and you’re good for the rest of your life in any scenario. You’re constantly learning, seeing more scenarios, making more decisions quickly etc. I don’t think you realize you have the biggest handicap when it comes to driving. Which is a big ego. 🥴


Independent-Area-552 t1_j0zrbh7 wrote

So you’re telling me it’s a learning curve to know that your fucking lights are not on and that you should probably put them on when it’s nighttime? And you’re telling me that driving school doesn’t teach you how to lane merge?


ParkyMalarkey OP t1_j0zz4s3 wrote

Drivers Ed a long time ago when you first started driving, isn’t gonna remind you to turn on your lights when you’ve had an insane work day. And it’s not gonna be the reason you’re paying attention and zipper through a lane drop without slowing down the people behind you.

Everyone is over worked, stressed out, distracted, and it shows in our driving.

Nobody “learns” how to drive

The best drivers in the world are still learning and practicing every day.


Independent-Area-552 t1_j106hed wrote

Then, why is it only Rhode Island has this issue? Sounds like a bunch a cockamamie excuses to me. i’m stressed out from the stupidity in this world but I still have a fucking common sense brain to know what to turn my lights on and how to merge in lanes. There’s no excuse for stupidity like that. I’m sorry people are going to get killed from idiots like this I seriously injured. And here’s the best part. This has been going on for many years. Now Rhode Island is rated the shittiest drivers for years, even before the pandemic and social media.


ParkyMalarkey OP t1_j10b0fc wrote

Alright then how do you propose this issue gets fixed? Putting your ego in the way isn’t gonna help.

It’s not like the Rhode Island gene pool is permanently cursed as far as driving goes.

There’s a lot of outside factors and variables that play into this.

I would love to hear your opinion on how you would solve this very fixable problem.


Independent-Area-552 t1_j10oarq wrote

Enforce the law of the Road!????revamp the Rmv??Start making examples out of people? Fines? No slaps on the wrists??like the tv show providence judge ?being nice isn’t always the answer kinda like parenting…. Should I continue or should I stop here because it’s very easy ways to get the message across the Broadways what is running for state obviously has no fucking balls and wants to be everybody’s best friend doesn’t work that way


ParkyMalarkey OP t1_j10qt0n wrote

What is a fair punishment for being at fault for a motor vehicle accident?


Independent-Area-552 t1_j10tlhv wrote

Was it because of a DUI? Was it because of texting and driving? Was it because you had no lights on? Was it because of miss use of lanes? You got to be a little more specific obviously different scenarios a different penalties it shouldn’t even have to come to the point of somebody getting into an accident. People should be reprimanded before accidents happen routine traffic stops And heavy fines that will take care of a lot of bullshit on the road just like Massachusetts does if it was me the first offense for DUI would be a heavy find of at least $2000 and loss of license for three months first offense second offense suspended license indefinitely that’s the kind of penalties that should be out there texting and driving should be exactly the same way as DUI first offense a couple of thousand dollars second offense you lose your license indefinitely. That way the message gets across quickly and you’ll see how fast people put their phones down. It’s that simple. Also, the police officer should not be allowed to give out written warnings, unless it is an absolute legitimate excuse, which is very rare. When it comes to livelihood and paying out-of-pocket, it’s amazing how fast people straighten out and all of a sudden have common sense and use their brains.


ParkyMalarkey OP t1_j110wbq wrote

What should we do about statistically dangerous roads with high traffic where minor mistakes can lead to big wrecks?