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jconti1233 t1_j1usyj7 wrote

Came to Reddit once i saw this in projo. Smh, I ride that lane every day towards work. Thought smiley was gonna be a bike ally :/


aKnowing t1_j1vqsq0 wrote

Honestly as a walker down that path it’s frustrating how many people still ride their bikes the whole way on the sidewalk right next to the bike path


alekoz47 t1_j22amyo wrote

This is a response to the design of the pedestrian bridge. For some reason they made no on-ramp from the bike lane near the bridge itself. If you're traveling north, you need to turn onto the sidewalk on Dollar St, otherwise you have to overshoot.


aKnowing t1_j22hxnr wrote

Ah yeah that makes a lot of sense now, I hadn’t considered that