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poiu4777 t1_j3a14rf wrote

I think it’s beyond time leftist groups halt efforts on gun violence. They’ve already infiltrated police, if gun laws get passed I guarantee there will be A LOT of investigative discretion with regards to armed groups affiliated with the far right, and a whole lot of trans and PoC getting disarmed. We need to be as armed and trained as our enemies, and they’ve got a hell of a head start.

in b4 ‘but muh drones, armed fascists will never be able to seize the government’ - they almost did it without arms two years ago. And if they do, then THEY have the drones. Learn about radio. Learn about explosively formed penetrators. Train in squad tactics. Lift. Run. We need to get ready to fight.


ConquestOfPizzaTime t1_j3cl52h wrote

They don't even need a coup, they're doing it electorally. I don't think any left groups advocate disarmament anyway


LionMcTastic t1_j3cudsc wrote

I already taught your mom about explosively formed penetrators. Get rekt scum
