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Over_Art_921 t1_j3bgiyb wrote

I don't think there's many places you cant go on bike. Bike lanes are popping up all over. I'd argue it's very bike friendly along with the rest of RI. But I don't bike the city often. What am I missing? What would improve it? I guess you would answer more bike lanes. I guess I see the ones we have as being enough. We should be able to bike without a bike lane present. But it certainly is better with one.

I agree with your statement about RI drivers. We hate driving. Bc we have to deal with other drivers.


MarlKarx-1818 t1_j3bw9gb wrote

It's not just more bike lanes, but protected ones. Given how little drivers care for people on bikes, a faded painted line provides no protection. And I say this as someone who mostly drives.


Over_Art_921 t1_j3d89k6 wrote

Gotcha. I guess seeing them pop up around the city makes me feel like it's moving in that direction. But the drivers don't help and it's mostly a thing for people to complain about