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Diligent-Pizza8128 t1_j3bwmf5 wrote

Providence is def bikeable and you can get just about anywhere on bike. The touristy things are a bit more concentrated so you wouldn’t have to go far. However, it’s not possible using only bike lanes. You’d have to bike with traffic at certain points.

I bike in Providence regularly and this isn’t a problem for me and lots of others. But it could be potentially nerve wracking in some spots if you’re not very comfortable around cars.

If you happen to be here on a Friday when PVD Bike Jam is happening, it’s a ton of fun!


dinofishz t1_j3dn1lt wrote

Agree with all of this. You can get a map of bike lanes, as well as bike-friendly/unfriendly streets in Providence at Legend Bikes which might be helpful (& double as a fun souvenir!). Google map’s biking directions usually help you steer clear of riskier spots, too