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t1_j44td9l wrote

Drive a few blocks into your bordering Providence neighborhood on trash day and leave your recycling in a random green can at some house. Providence residents are terrible at recycling, so there will be plenty of room in there.


t1_j459dbo wrote

Fyi most PVD (although not all) recycling cans have a BLUE top dating to the original retrofit when they introduced single stream recycling. And since most houses have one can I’d disagree there’ll be a lot of room. Multi fam houses have more cans since it’s 1 can per unit but there’s no guarantee they’ll be curbside unless there’s something in it if not already largely filled. . FYI Rhode Island doesn’t recycle glass anymore so don’t bother with that. So not a perfect plan but better than chucking it all in the garbage. Most of the green bins are just garbage and defeat the point of the drive/time/effort from nP.


t1_j45u803 wrote

>FYI Rhode Island doesn’t recycle glass anymore so don’t bother with that

Wow! First I've heard of this ... so I shouldn't put glass in recycling anymore? Not that much comes in glass anymore 😣


t1_j45vnsh wrote

They weren’t before Covid but they said still put it in with recyclables because something about using the broken glass for something else? I’ll find the story. And the whole recycling market has bottomed out for lack of buyers and also because the whole plastics industry has fooled us into thinking most plastics can be recycled (most still can’t) but it’s better than nothing?