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Dinosquid t1_j50e2ol wrote

You might need to be a little more specific.


InfiniteChicken t1_j50ez25 wrote

Joe Pera definitely got me feeling a bit amorous, too. He’s the sexy bad daddy of comedy.


radioflea t1_j50ma1n wrote

Ah missed connections, what a time to be alive.

I used to know a bunch of guys who would go to the local bars and write real-time missed connections about woman as walked into the bar.


radioflea t1_j50mqn2 wrote

Just go back during operating hours, and ask to speak to the woman. Tell her you need lost & found because you seem to have misplaced her number.

If this works then please invite me to the wedding.


BingBong022 t1_j51enda wrote

This isn't a missed connection, did you even talk to the person? What gives you the impression they are interested in you? My missed connection is Dua lipa, saw her in a bikini. Dua if you see this let's spark our missed connection


M_Viv_Van_Buren t1_j52j31k wrote

It is. They connected when they were shown to their seats by the person they had a moment with and they missed their chance at connection. Some missed connections are one sided completely. Doesn’t make it not a missed connection.

Either way dudes who live in glass houses full of online dick pics probably shouldn’t try to throw stones at people who are trying to connect with people with words and real life interactions.