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nelson64 t1_j64ba6t wrote

Haha I will! And yes exactly. Not our circus not our monkeys. Like sure maybe sometimes she's "looking" for it, but as we've already said, people on here fixate on everything she does. Like she could just post a funny shitty review that any other business would also post and suddenly it's an obsessive post about how awful she is.

People have bad days and good days. I also don't take kindly to speaking unkindly to employees and I have been to both establishments enough that I have witnessed her getting a little agitated with an employee. But I've never heard her say anything despicable. Is her tone not the nicest? Sure. Those conversations shouldn't take place in front of customers because it makes everyone involved uncomfortable.

But I've definitely noticed her kindly ask her employees to step to the back now whenever she wants to give feedback and speak more timidly and try to be conscious of her attitude. I always sat right at the first seat at the bar at Little Sister.

I've become pretty chummy with all the employees there now and they all seem to like her a lot more than past employees have. So maybe she's being more conscientious of how she's coming off and what her intention actually is?

Either way I'm not here to psychoanalyze a restaurant owner. It's just frustrating that people on this sub can't see their clear bias in how they react to her. It's not that she does nothing wrong, it's that the way they treat her and react to her is incongruent with how they would act if the same exact actions were taken by a white dude.

It's like the whole Amber Heard vs. Johnny Depp situation. The way people behaved towards Amber Heard while maybe "deserved" was still completely different to how they behaved towards similar accusations about Johnny or other men throughout the years. It's like it goes overboard but you can't get through to people and show them their bias cus they can argue that whatever is being done by the woman (or minority) is still BAD. So they "deserve" it.

Same concept as to how latinos and especially black people get heftier prison sentences. Sure they committed the crime, but the treatment against them is still way worse than it would be if it were a white man.

I mean imagine Trump behaving exactly like Milena. He'd look like the most well behaved orthodox Amish timid boy you've ever seen compared to his usual antics.

Lol sorry my adderall juuuuust kicked in.