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t1_j69k7bf wrote

John was an old chef at the garden grille and eventually became the chef at the Grange and they shuffled him back to the garden grille during Covid because garden grille had a rotating door of staff after their remodel due to bad management, hell they tried to screw over a chef at the garden grille related to his unemployment application after they let him go over bullshit circumstances. I like the owners of the restaurants but they are bizarre in the sense of not being the most egalitarian people, hell Rob once protested with others at the capital when they raised the hourly wage of servers. John, the chef at the Grange, is an absolute twat despite the granges food being pretty good. If you thought working at the garden grille sucked it was even worst at the grange. I worked at both for several years and thank god I got out before Covid.


t1_j6asllq wrote

Grange is the worst spot I’ve ever worked, in regards to how the staff was treated. Killer food though.


t1_j6at3s3 wrote

Agreed. I was one of the original when they opened. One time they said “you’re wearing… that?” in regard to my perfectly normal outfit so that was fun.


OP t1_j6a3to1 wrote

I have actually heard that and have gotten the sense from some of their posts in the past that the head chef was arrogant. I'm glad you got out of there. Looks like shit really hit the fan in the pandemic. Shitty guy, great chef.