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barbie_farts_88 OP t1_jaesz8h wrote

Any advice to get him to see someone and take it seriously? I've been thinking about setting something up for him and just telling him im good to do that and tell him when the appointment is and I think maybe he would be more likely to go that way but I'm not sure. He doesn't like Drs and he doesn't like therapists.


UsuallyWrite2 t1_jaetbrd wrote

If he won’t get help on his own, then I don’t know what to tell you. You can’t make him go. You can only tell him that you need to see improvement else you need to reevaluate the relationship.

You guys could probably benefit from couples counseling too.

I dunno. I don’t understand people who know something is wrong but make no effort to improve things.


Independent-Fig-4595 t1_jaf0caz wrote

His experience would be very different from this commenters as his PTSD would not be complex. It has been generated from a one off event, not years of abuse or military service. It's a non-complex case.

If hubby refuses any medical care that makes things much more difficult and he could continue to suffer from this for many years to come, the longer you wait the worse it gets.