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BeachPeachMcgee t1_jaf37gc wrote

I know you're hurting, but this mindset is sooo toxic

>but now I'm starting to think I waas right all along and that she was cheating on me the entire time.

There is no possible way you can know this. You'd be surprised how quick things can move for some people.

Block her on everything and work on YOUR healing. Don't focus so much on what she is doing.


Throwaway445092345 t1_jaf51cc wrote

It just sucks man. I've been trying to make things right with her since August but she's been making things so hard. And I can't just forget about her, not after all weve been thru. We worked thru so much and I would never do what she did and just not care, but no matter what I did she just didn't care at all. She was the last home I knew and she doesn't care how much it hurts me to see her act all happy when I'm miserable and she knows it
