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attackhamster42 t1_jaegvqz wrote

So my husband and I are both avid gamers, as are all three of our sons and let me tell you: few things are as irritating as backseat gamers. I'm sure you were trying to help and yes, it was rude of him to speak to you like that. But sometimes you're just really in the zone during a game and other people pointing things out can be a distraction.

Again, not saying he's right but I am saying that it's an understandable reaction on some level. Especially if it's a single-player game. Multiplayers tend to have comms so you get used to chatter but for something like The Last of Us? Yeah, let's just say it can get annoying when you keep dying to the same bloater and you hear, "have you tried blah blah blah," or "watch out for yadda yadda yadda," while you're sitting there going, "I know!" In our household we say "I love you but shush" a lot, ha ha.

Bottom line is that no, he shouldn't be using language like that with you in that kind of tone over a video game. But, at least in my opinion, you were also being overly sensitive because some games do get pretty intense and when you're in that zone, well, tunnel vision can happen. It doesn't excuse anything but it is a thing. My husband and I taught our kids that at the end of the day, it's just a game and it's not worth hurting someone's feelings over. If your boyfriend doesn't have any anger issues outside of gaming, I'd say you shouldn't worry too much. The amount of obscenities I've hurled at random characters in games would make my Army vet father blush. But if your boyfriend has issues with anger in other areas or is dismissive of you in other ways then yeah, I would say you have a right to be concerned then.