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sailormoonbbyx OP t1_jaejg71 wrote

i’m fortunate enough to have my dad & student loans pay for my rent so my dad offered me a deal where i’ll pay half and he pays half for the rest of the time the lease is up (until august) so they won’t need another roommate or pay rent. she’s only upset because i won’t live with her anymore. i’m also leaving all of the furniture i brought so they can use it, like the couch and stuff bc that would be weird of me to take lol


deemsterporn t1_jaenz1m wrote

I can't see any reason why they would be upset. I honestly think you're being a bit of a doormat here. They should be finding another roommate, it's unreasonable to pay rent until august if you won't be living there at all. You should absolutely take the furniture you purchased by yourself.