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Kalaanii t1_jea60go wrote

The thing is I’ll bring up him using me for sex and he completely flips out and says I’m not and “if he’s using me for sex I am too” which def isn’t the case because I’ve asked him multiple times to hang out without sex but I feel like people saying it is kinda just proof I’m not crazy or delusional for feeling used


tinkertots1287 t1_jea68jc wrote

A 37 year old man will never be interested in you beyond sex. You’re a teenager. And if they are interested, it means they never grew up and have the mentality of a teenager in an old man’s body which is even worse. This is not a man who you want to settle down with. Just leave him.


Kalaanii t1_jea6jvv wrote

But it doesn’t make sense how we have such long conversations on the phone like hours and we get along so well even irl it’s just that it feels like he’s using me which upsets me & he had life experiences which kinda made him not mature as much so that’s something I can accept and be understanding of


tinkertots1287 t1_jea70us wrote

He’s using you for sex and company, there’s no way around it. Up to you if you want to be in that kind of relationship.


Chaoticgood790 t1_jea7l7w wrote

Okay good luck with raising a man child and an actual child. We look forward to the next post about how he does nothing and you’re basically a single parent


Chaoticgood790 t1_jea7g2v wrote

I mean he’s using you. He’s not going to admit it. But no dude older than me wants anything to do with a teenager. At least no dude that isn’t a walking red flag


Hal_Jordan55 t1_jea8l3g wrote

He clearly doesn’t want to hang out with you without sex. You’re worth more than that to a person, show yourself that